SL Model Status



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The SL Model Status is a non-profit, independent and neutral service for people in need for an up-to-date and reliable information about a professional model in Second Life. The ambition with SL Model Status, is to create the most professional and reliable ranking of models in Second Life ever. Of course it´s important to understand that this status and ranking system is not an exact science and mistakes can be made, but will try to mirror the modelling community in SL and the status of the models in world as fair and professional as possible. 

The SL Model Status focus on the top 5 female and top 5 male of the professional models that are currently active. Once being in the ranking list is not the same as staying there forever. The status and ranking is depending on achievements made by the model in question and going into inactivity or not meeting other criteria, will result in dropping in status and ranking. Of course the model can come back on the list when measuring up to the demands again.


Every month a model among the top listed will be ranked as “Top Model Of The Month. Every year a model will be ranked as  “Top Model Of The Year”, depending on ranking and status during the past year. For models who managed to do something extra – ordinary and gone down in the history of Second Life, there is an option for becoming a model listed in the “Hall Of Fame”.

Evaluation process, communication and information channels

A very important source for information is the models own resume and other information provided in their profiles. The SL Model Status service will also monitor different model and fashion groups and carry out “field” – observations. There is an option for suggesting suitable candidates for the top list. This can be done by using the suggestion option on top of the model list. Please check the details about who can be ranked by checking the information and check list below!

For commenting and adding to the evaluation process, the audience can use the comment option on each individual model. 

A general communication channel is the “Help us evaluate!” – option where the audience can send in their views and helpful hints about making the evaluation process better. No comments will be made public on the site, but will be used in the continuous evaluation process. We will never let the site and service become an area for personal insults and drama.

We strongly believe that a model that might be performing in an outstanding way in runway or print but have a bad personal attitude in fact not should be regarded as one among the true top models.  This kind of models often create drama and problems of all sorts and we feel we cannot recommend them to our clients. They will not be present in our top lists.

For more information about the ranking system and how it is carried out, read under the headline “Ranking System”! If you want to work with SL Model Status as monitor in the evaluation process please send an e-mail to!

Ranking system

The status and ranking of each model is depending on a variety of factors available in the models resume and other provided details in this. Other factors that effect the status and rank are as follows:

* community visibility and positive, personal PR-ability

* ability of creating and keeping a personal positive trademark

* a solid reputation when it comes to social ability, kindness, empathy  and positive role-modelling

* originality in beauty, modelling personality and overall style

* experienced model with at least two years professional modelling in their resume

* activity and excellent skills in runway performance 

* activity in print productions and achievements that go beyond the ordinary

* styling skills that go beyond the ordinary

* excellent fashion sense and awareness

* achievements in the fashion and modelling community that go beyond the ordinary


If you want contact with us you can use the comment option on the top of this page. You can also use the communication options in the “top rank models list” or send an e-mail to

Written by slmodelstatus

June 7, 2011 at 1:56 PM

Posted in Uncategorized